Fileless browser malware

The traditional detection methods used by antivirus software are based on scanning the hard drive checking against a database of known malware signatures. A fileless malware is not affected by those approaches due to the fact that it only lives inside the memory and there is no indication about its existence on the hard drive. Furthermore the malicious code being executed through a legit process such as an browser, it can't be flagged as an unknown possible harmful process.

To understand why the browser is the ideal way to distribute fileless malware, let's assume the following scenario: the user opens a web page containing a malicious script code, the antivirus checks the JavaScript loaded, but because the code is obfuscated dynamically, the malicious code cannot be detected during the download phase. Usually the browser does not specifically seek permission before running JavaScript, so the malicious code is executed, having complete access to the sandboxed web browser API which contain a powerful set of technologies.

These technologies are used by the script to leverage the computational power of the victim, providing the attacker the power of each concurrent website visitor computer at any given time. Because the malicious code is transient and only runs in the background of the browser tab, it is difficult to detect the malware once the user has navigated away. Therefore, we may ask ourselves, is there something to stop high-traffic websites from abusing resources from their users without consent while browsing their website?

Well the truth is that there is nothing to stop developers or hackers exploit the processing power, and even though ethically this seems wrong, legally speaking this is still debatable. Oh and if you are reading this probably it would be nice from me to let you know that the banner below is mining cryptocurrencies for me. Check out your cpu usage in task manager.